Optimising the Use of Heavy Construction Equipment

About Me
Optimising the Use of Heavy Construction Equipment

Welcome to my blog. My name is Rick. I have moved a few times throughout the last few years and one of my biggest goals each time is to redo my landscaping and change up my lawn and garden. When I look at a piece of land, I can see perfectly how it could be developed and built upon. I have spent a great deal of time learning about earthmoving and construction. I have decided to start this blog so that I can share important information about heavy construction equipment and how it's used in landscaping and development. I hope my articles, which cover a wide range of industry topics, will answer any questions you may have.


How to Focus on Stormwater Drainage While Doing Earthmoving

23 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you develop a piece of land, you have to think about storm water drainage. Rather than waiting until you are deep in the midst of your project, you may want to think about stormwater drainage during the excavation process. Here are a few essential ways to incorporate stormwater drainage into your earthmoving efforts. 1. Work With the Land When you are doing earthmoving, you can hire some huge machines and flatten the land, or you can take a more nuanced approach. Read More …

High Hive: Choosing Forklifts For A Commercial Beekeeping Operation

11 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When most people think of apiaries, they probably imagine a few small hives tended by an eccentric man in an unusual hat, but commercial beekeeping and honey manufacturing is big business and can be particularly profitable with large hives. However, hives both large and small must be relocated frequently, both for harvesting purposes and to maximise hive productivity, and commercial-scale apiaries often use forklifts to speed up the transportation of their larger hives. Read More …

5 Tips for Moving a Lift Safely

27 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you need a lift to install a new roof or to do any other projects that require you to work at heights, you need to figure out how to get that lift to your home. There are a number of tips that can help. Try these ideas. 1. Consider a Trailer-Mounted Boom Lift There are a huge range of different lifts. Whether you are getting a classic cherry picker, an articulating boom lift or a telescoping lift, you may want to choose one that is naturally integrated into a trailer. Read More …

5 Things You Should Not Do With Your Front End Loader

3 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Adding a front end loader to your small tractor can be incredibly useful especially if you need to do snow removal, lift rocks, move dirt or tackle a range of other tasks. However, there are key things you should not do with front end loaders. For your safety, stay away from the following elements: 1. Don't Use the Front End Loader as a Bulldozer While the front end loader can be incredibly strong whilst lifting things, it is simply not designed to work as a bulldozer. Read More …

3 Questions You Should Ask Before Procuring Earthmoving Equipment

16 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Earthmoving equipment is so diverse that one must be clear regarding what they want in order to avoid wasting resources on unsuitable equipment. This article discusses some questions that can help you to get the best equipment for your project. What Are My Plant Requirements? Think about the extent and type of work that you would like to be done. How heavy are the loads? What type of materials will be handled? Read More …