
About Me
Optimising the Use of Heavy Construction Equipment

Welcome to my blog. My name is Rick. I have moved a few times throughout the last few years and one of my biggest goals each time is to redo my landscaping and change up my lawn and garden. When I look at a piece of land, I can see perfectly how it could be developed and built upon. I have spent a great deal of time learning about earthmoving and construction. I have decided to start this blog so that I can share important information about heavy construction equipment and how it's used in landscaping and development. I hope my articles, which cover a wide range of industry topics, will answer any questions you may have.


Use These 4 Factors to Select the Most Appropriate Earthmoving Equipment for Your Project

7 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

It is often difficult for the average DIY enthusiast to select the right earthmoving equipment for his or her project from the myriad equipment available at plant hire companies. This article discusses four important factors that you should use to narrow down your options of earthmoving equipment. Materials to Be Moved Different pieces of earthmoving equipment are suitable for moving different kinds of materials at jobsites. For instance, wheel tractor scrapers are best suited for projects where one will be moving materials that spread easily, such as sand. Read More …

Career Education in Forklift Operation

6 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are working toward becoming a provider for your future family, taking education classes can help you build your career. To work on an elevated working platform over eleven metres tall, you will need to have have order-picker training so that you can be safe. Reasons to Take the Course  Taking this course can help advance you to a higher position. Even though you will need to pay for the course, you will eventually get your money back from a raised salary. Read More …